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Stock Exchanges Directory
Stock exchange is usually situated in a very-well recognized building where stocks and other financial securities are bought and sold. Sometimes stock exchange is an electronic trading platform that is managed by an association of brokers and dealers in stocks and bonds who meet together and transact business according to the fixed rules.
Stock exchange is also called stock market and recognized as a highly organized market facilitating the purchase and sale of securities and operated by professional stockbrokers and so-called market makers. This stock market is a place where securities are regularly traded according well-described rules. There are major stock exchanges that are important world's financial centers. The famous the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is in the continuous operation since 1792, and it seems is the largest in the world. We can see the consolidation trend in the old-fashioned trading floors. For example, major European stock markets from Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and some other cities, have joined forces to create one big stock market called Euronext. In 2007, this inter-European exchange merged with the mentioned NYSE. Other important stock markets belong to financial centers of London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, just to name a few. In nowadays, the pure electronic exchange platforms are the future of stock exchange business. It seems that the old-fashioned trading floors with members manually trading securities are over. The new wave of the sophisticated computer software and hardware allow trading faster, cheaper and more frequently. The most important example of pure electronic exchange is an American Nasdaq stock market that offer automatic quotations available on dealer's computer screens. Orders are executed swiftly and this electronic market allow frequently executed trading. Dealers and market makers have access to real-time deep-market situation overview. It seems that there is no way back to the old-fashioned trading floors that were common in the last century. Best Financial Directory has intention to list the quality web-sites below that provide reliable information about stock exchanges or stock market services. Stock Exchanges Featured ListingsStock Exchanges Regular Listings
![]() Equity trading is the main part of active stock exchange business.
However, active securities trading is moving into the pure electronic trading platforms. ![]() Do you own quality site about stock exchange, shares investments, investment services or financial related?
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